Per Barfot


February 7th, 2023

Please contact us for an advance Bandcamp download

Dackefejden (The Dacke Feud) is a concept album that aims to capture the sound of a failed peasant revolt in 16th century Sweden. The rebellion was led by the farmer Nils Dacke, and posed a serious threat to the king Gustav Vasa. Despite being outnumbered and outgunned the rebels stood up against the kings troops for a significant time, but eventually they were defeated and Dacke was captured and killed.

Per Barfot sought to create songs that reflect the captivating, but ultimately tragic nature of this revolt. He wanted the album to be melodic, but not repetitive. Raw and dark. Dreamy and warm. Sounds that inspire imagination. 

Using a modular synthesizer and tape processing, Per Barfot experimented intensely during the spring of 2020 to create the foundation of the album. He then periodically revisited the songs and added or edited elements until he felt it was complete.

The song titles, which are in Swedish, are loosely tied to themes related to the revolt. "Bailiff Arvidsson's Misfortune” (3), refers to a bailiff who was murdered by Dacke at the beginning of the revolt, “Während & Möre” (4), were the areas where the uproar began, “The Merchant Pelle From Räntemåla” (5), was a rebel known by name, and "Home Wolves & Forest Malfeasants” (7), were two names the king called the rebels.

Recorded and mixed by Anders Nilsson
Mastered by Tobias Karlehag
Artwork created by Lisbet Larsson
Cover Design by Anders Nilsson

Anders Nilsson, aka Per Barfot, is a Swedish musician making experimental ambient music with modular synthesizers and cassette tapes. He has previously released the EP "Metaphysical Badlands" with the Danish artist Songs From Tin Pan Alley, as well as several singles. He regularly shares musical explorations on Instagram.